Launched in March 2017, SocRent is a service designed to parse and classify apartment rental advertisements from
You can read more here about how I experimented with different methods to classify ads and ultimately chose the Yandex
Tomita Parser as a lexical parser.
Developing the first version of the service took about a year.
- rent-view - the service renders HTML pages and serves it
- rent-collector - the service collects ads, classifies them, and saves them to the database
- rent-parser - the service extracts structured data from text using Tomita parser
- rent-control - admin panel
- rent-notifier - notification service
You can also read here about the project's architecture and the technologies.
- NodeJS
- Golang
- MongoDB
- Beanstalk Queue
CI is set up for all services using Travis-CI and Ansible.
More details about automated deployment can be found in this article.
In 2020, I migrated my hobby project to Kubernetes.
You can read more in this article