PHP Skeleton for Bison

This initiative extends the Bison parser generator to support PHP, enabling the creation of Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) parsers for languages like PHP, JSON, and SQL.
By integrating a PHP skeleton, developers can seamlessly generate parsers that integrate into PHP projects, enhancing parsing capabilities.

Bison is a parser generator.
You can extend it with PHP Skeleton to generate PHP parsers.
For example, the PHP parser that can parse Nginx config:

php bin/parse.php nginx.conf
    ├── T_SERVER_NAME { names: 'domain.tld, www.domain.tld' }
    ├── T_SERVER_ROOT { path: '/var/www/project/public' }
    ├── T_LOCATION { regexp: '' path: '/' }
    │   └── T_TRY_FILES { paths: '$uri, /index.php$is_args$args' }
    ├── T_LOCATION { regexp: '' path: '/bundles' }
    │   └── T_TRY_FILES { paths: '$uri, =404' }
    ├── T_LOCATION { regexp: '~' path: '^/index\.php(/|$)' }
    │   ├── T_FAST_CGI_PATH { path: 'unix:/var/run/php/php-fpm.sock' }
    │   ├── T_FAST_CGI_SPLIT_PATH_INFO { path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$' }
    │   ├── T_INCLUDE { path: 'fastcgi_params' }
    │   ├── T_FAST_CGI_PARAM { APP_ENV: 'prod' }
    │   ├── T_FAST_CGI_PARAM { APP_SECRET: '<app-secret-id>' }
    │   ├── T_FAST_CGI_PARAM { DATABASE_URL: '"mysql://db_user:db_pass@host:3306/db_name"' }
    │   ├── T_FAST_CGI_PARAM { SCRIPT_FILENAME: '$realpath_root$fastcgi_script_name' }
    │   ├── T_FAST_CGI_PARAM { DOCUMENT_ROOT: '$realpath_root' }
    │   └── T_INTERNAL
    ├── T_LOCATION { regexp: '~' path: '\.php$' }
    │   └── T_RETURN { code: '404' body: '' }
    ├── T_ERROR_LOG { path: '/var/log/nginx/project_error.log' }
    └── T_ACCESS_LOG { path: '/var/log/nginx/project_access.log' }

By default, Bison works with C, C++, D, and Java. But you can use it with PHP by adding a PHP skeleton.

How It Works

Bison reads your grammar.y file, processes it, and uses the skeleton.m4 file to generate the final parser file.

About Bison
