RC car with ESP8266 NodeMCU and LEGO

Published: 21 September 2020
Origin: vc.ru/dev/160142-rc-mashinka-iz-esp8266-nodemcu-i-lego

Build a Remote-Controlled Model with a Microcontroller and Wi-Fi Module
After assembling an impressive LEGO collection (as any grown-up should), I wanted to get even more joy from it. Combining colorful LEGO pieces with my love for programming led to a fascinating project. If you share both hobbies, let’s build a dream from childhood—a remote-controlled LEGO car!
Let’s go!

About the ESP8266 NodeMCU

The ESP8266 NodeMCU is a development board based on the ESP8266 chip. This chip is a UART-Wi-Fi module designed for Internet of Things (IoT) projects, with ultra-low power consumption. The board simplifies development because it:

How It Works

On the ESP8266 NodeMCU, we set up a Wi-Fi access point, an HTTP server, and a WebSocket server.
Here's how it works:

This setup lets you control the LEGO car intuitively, directly from your smartphone screen!


Setting Up the Arduino IDE for ESP8266 NodeMCU

Adding the ESP8266 NodeMCU Board to Arduino IDE.
Download Arduino IDE: Get it from the official website: Arduino Software.

Add the ESP8266 Board Manager URL:
Open Preferences from the File menu.
Find the Additional Boards Manager URLs field and add the following URL:


Install the ESP8266 Board:
Go to Tools > Boards > Boards Manager.
In the search box, type ESP.
Select ESP8266 by ESP8266 Community and click Install.

Select the NodeMCU Board:
Go to Tools > Boards > ESP8266 Boards.
Choose NodeMCU 1.0.

Adding Required Libraries

Download Libraries:

Install Libraries in Arduino IDE:
Open Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library.
Select the downloaded .zip files one by one to add them.

Flashing the ESP8266 Controller

Create a New Project:
Open Arduino IDE.
Go to File > New to create a new project.

Save the Project:
Click File > Save, and name the project esp8266-car.

Copy the code from this link.
Paste it into the Arduino IDE.

In the code, you can change the Wi-Fi access point name and password:

const char *ssid = "car-esp8266";//название Wi-Fi точки доступа
const char *password = "password";//пароль Wi-Fi точки доступа

Upload the Code to the Controller:
Connect the ESP8266 NodeMCU to your computer using a USB cable.
Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE.

Building the Car

View the Wiring Diagram:

Prepare the Motors and L298N:
Attach small LEGO pieces to the motors using a hot glue gun.
Solder wires to the L298N motor driver as per the wiring diagram.
Assemble the Car:
Use your creativity to build a unique LEGO car around the motors and ESP8266 NodeMCU.

Initial Connection:
Power up your car using the connected power source (e.g., a power bank).
Connect to the Access Point:

Look for your car's Wi-Fi access point in the available networks list (e.g., car-esp8266).
Connect to it.

If needed, configure the network settings on your device to use a manual IP address for this connection.

Configure: Manual
Subnet mask:

First launch!

That's all! Good luck with your creative projects!